Focus on the Basics
Reading, writing, and math.

Creating a classroom environment where children can both dream big, and where they can be given the opportunity to participate in activities such as: science, technology, sports, music and the arts. In addition, I will work with community stakeholders to develop after school programs which will provide opportunities for students to partake in activities currently not offered by the school district. I want to focus on bringing schools up to the state standard that are currently listed in the lower performing (red and orange) range, and this will involve partnerships and creative and innovative solutions with all district stakeholders.
Kids In Safe Schools (KISS)
Schools need to be a safe place for our students, staff and parents.

We need to address issues of bullying, fights (inspired by Tik Tok videos), drugs and related paraphernalia on campus, and violence against teachers and staff. I support full funding of School Resource Officers on campus, and I support plans that help build and foster good partnership relationships between SROs, students and the local community. I will make it a priority to completing plans already developed (such as gates and fencing) to ensure the physical safety of our staff and students. I will work with community partners to help educate our staff and students of the threats to our community (human trafficking and drugs laced with fentanyl) with a plan for staff and students to successfully navigate and report these situations to the proper authorities.
Ensure taxpayer dollars are properly spent while bringing our classrooms up to standard to educate students for jobs in the 21st Century.

We should be using our bond funds to update facilities to what our students need now as well as becoming flexible enough to accommodate changes for the future. Currently, there are four school bond measures (S, J, N and P) taxpayers are paying for, and primarily Measure P (2016) bond funds are being used to create new schools and upgrades to campuses; the School Board has the responsibility these funds are properly spent without creating an additional tax burden to property owners.
Encouraging Staff and Students
Staff and students should be in an environment free of harassment and bullying.

Understanding the customs and traditions of our immigrant community is also important, and creating positive events to foster goodwill and trust building such as through food and dance events should be considered. Students with special needs should not feel excluded, and I want to work on programs to expand their opportunities. We also need to support our staff who are feeling overwhelmed, and we must also work on creative solutions to keep class sizes smaller for the betterment of staff and our students. Morale of staff and students is essential to high attendance, and I want to partner with staff, students, parents, and school partners to develop ways to make school fun, healthy, and positive for everyone attending.
Parental Rights
Parents are a key partner in the success of our children's education.

Parents should never feel excluded, and we should find creative ways to involve parents more. Parental volunteers should always be welcomed in the classroom, and the District should create roles for more parental involvement with our children's education. Parents should always be involved in decisions regarding their children, and parents need to be educated of their rights and responsibilities and the best ways to express their concerns. The District should lead the way in fostering trust and goodwill with parents to include being fully transparent with everything regarding our children.